Advance Directives

What is an advance directive?

An advance directive, sometimes called a "living will,是一份书面文件,告诉你的医疗服务提供者谁应该为你说话,如果你无法为自己说话,他们应该做出什么医疗决定. 如果你失去意识或病得太重而无法表达你的愿望,这些信息是很重要的.

州和联邦法律赋予你提前做出许多医疗保健决定的权利,以便在你无法表达意愿的情况下,你的意愿能够得到尊重. It is your right, as a competent adult (a person over the age of 18), to decide whether to accept, reject or discontinue medical treatment for yourself. This includes decisions about life-sustaining treatments, such as breathing machines and feeding tubes.

诸如预先指示之类的文件可以帮助确保您的亲人和您的医疗团队尊重您的愿望. Even though these situations can be uncomfortable to think about, 提前计划可以让你和你的家人安心,并有助于在困难时期消除困惑.

Advance Directives | Your Voice Matters

预先指示是一份法律文件,分享你在生命结束时对护理的愿望. 波莱特分享了她哥哥的生活故事,以及建立预先指示的重要性.

Advance Care Planning for Howard County Residents

霍华德县的居民可以来霍华德县总医院,得到经验丰富的工作人员的免费帮助,思考护理愿望, 完成预先指示并以电子方式存储,以方便医疗保健提供者访问. 如果你在医院无法沟通,将你的预先指示存档可以让医护人员按照你的意愿行事. 如果您有兴趣,请联系高级护理计划项目协调员凯伦·谢尔顿 [email protected], or 443-518-6684.

What is included in an advance directive?

An advance directive has several sections, 它们允许给出具体的医疗指导,或者在需要时指定其他人做出决定. These include:

Living Will

生前遗嘱是一份书面文件,它规定了在你处于临终状态或持续植物人状态时,你愿意或不愿意接受何种治疗. 生前遗嘱指示医疗保健提供者停止或避免某些医疗/手术治疗.

A terminal condition is an incurable, irreversible medical condition in an advanced state caused by injury, disease or physical illness, which will, in the opinion of the attending physician, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, result in death regardless of the continued application of life-sustaining treatment.

Power of Attorney

医疗保健决定的持久授权书是一份你可以指定的文件, in writing, 另一个人(代理人),如果你不能自己做决定,他将能够代表你做出医疗保健决定. 您可以指定代理人的任命是立即生效还是在您无法做出自己的决定时生效.

与生前遗嘱相比,指定的医疗保健代理人有更大的权力来执行你的愿望, 所以你要仔细选择你的经纪人,以确保你的经纪人知道并会遵循你的意愿. Unlike with a living will, you don’t have to be in a terminal condition for the power of attorney to take effect.

Health Care Instructions

保健指示是另一种形式的书面预先指示,可以单独使用,也可以与指定的保健代理人一起使用. 医疗保健说明允许您指定您想要或不想要的治疗,如果你是在终末期的情况下, persistent vegetative state or end-stage condition, and to express other health care decisions, such as a do not resuscitate (DNR) orders, organ and tissue donation and special instructions for dialysis, and blood transfusions.

How do I make an advance directive?

与你的医生、家人或其他亲近的人谈谈你对医疗和保健的感受. If you are in a hospital, you can ask your nurse about having a trained hospital representative, such as a chaplain or a social worker, speak with you about advance directives and provide the necessary forms.

You don’t have to have a lawyer to get an advance directive, but if you have legal concerns or questions, you should consult one. Please note that laws about advance directives are different in each state.

网上有一些来自不同机构的表格样本,你可以使用它们来开始你的预先指示(Johns Hopkins is not responsible for the contents of these forms):

Frequently Asked Questions